ExoPlayer integration

Integrate ExoPlayer

Installing MLYSDK

  • Add the following line to the dependencies block in the build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.mlytics:mly-stream-exoplayer:0.0.1'

Install the Mux Data SDK

  • Add the Mux Maven repository to your Gradle file:
repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://muxinc.jfrog.io/artifactory/default-maven-release-local"

Initialize the driver for your ExoPlayer instance

Get your client_id from the stream Code Snippet.

To initialize SDK, we need to call MLYDriver.initialize first. Here's an example showing how you could initialize SDK.

val clientId = "{CLIENT_ID}"
MLYDriver.initialize { options ->
    options.client.id = clientId
String clientId = "{CLIENT_ID}";
MLYDriver.INSTANCE.initialize(new Function1<MLYDriverOptions, Unit>() {
  public Unit invoke(MLYDriverOptions options) {
    return null;

Build your ExoPlayer

To create an ExoPlayer instance, we need to call MLYExoPlayer.builder

playerView = findViewById<StyledPlayerView>(R.id.player_view)
var builder = MLYExoPlayer.builder(playerView!!)
val player = builder.build()
playerView?.player = player
playerView = findViewById(R.id.player_view);
ExoPlayer.Builder builder = MLYExoPlayer.INSTANCE.builder(playerView);
ExoPlayer player = builder.build();

Start playing the media

To play the media, call the play() method on the ExoPlayer instance.

val url = "{PLAYLIST_URL}"
String url = "{PLAYLIST_URL}";

Full example