Quick Start | Integrate SDK to Radiant Media Player(RMP) via browser

Install RMP

Include RMP script.

<script src="https://cdn.radiantmediatechs.com/rmp/9.6.8/js/rmp.min.js"></script>

Install SDK

Include the pre-built bundled scripts.

<script src="https://sdkjs.fusioncdn.com/{CLIENT_ID}-mlysdk.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsdelivr.fusioncdn.com/npm/@mlytics/p2sp-sdk@latest/bundle/driver.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsdelivr.fusioncdn.com/npm/@mlytics/p2sp-sdk@latest/bundle/peripheral/player/rmp-hls.min.js"></script>

Initialize SDK

To initialize SDK, we need to call mlysdk.driver.initialize() first. Here's an example showing how you could initialize SDK with JavaScript.

const driver = mlysdk.driver.initialize();

Create player adapter

In order to use SDK to download the video, we need to build the RMP instance by SDK RMP Plugin.

Call driver.extensions.RadiantMPHlsPlayerPlugin.create() to build a player adapter, passing the same arguments as you would when creating a RMP instance.

You may receive RMP instance by calling adapter.player. Here's an example showing how you could create player adapter with JavaScript.

const adapter = driver.extensions.RadiantMPHlsPlayerPlugin.create({
  elementID: 'video',
  playerOptions: {
    src: {
      hls: '{PLAYLIST_URL}'
    licenseKey: '{LICENSE_KEY}',
    autoplay: true,
    width: 640,
    height: 360

const player = adapter.player;

After video played, you can check out streaming analytics at our portal.

Full example

See Demo